
In my novel, A Deal with Odin, I stepped into the world of Norse mythology for many of my characters and for my setting. Much of the book takes place in Odin’s Hall of Valhalla. You’ve probably heard of Valhalla–along with Odin and Thor, it’s the most recognizable part of Norse mythology.  Valhalla is located in Asgard, the world of…

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Tolkien and Norse Mythology

Click here for audio version With the new Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power series coming up, I thought I’d explore the connections between Tolkien’s world and the world of Norse mythology. Let’s start with Gandalf!  Gandalf The most obvious, and most mentioned, connection between The Lord of the Rings and Norse mythology is the character of Gandalf. Gandalf…

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Norse Dragons: Worms of the North

Click here for audio version We are all familiar with dragons, those Western symbols of power, wealth, and greed. It should come as no surprise that people in the Viking world had stories of dragons. In fact, J.R.R. Tolkien derived the inspiration for his creature, Smaug, from one of the Norse world’s most well-known stories, the Saga of the Volsungs.   Dragons…

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Skadi: Norse Winter Goddess

Click here for audio version It should come as no surprise that the Norse people had a deity they called the snowshoe goddess. This goddess, Skadi (SKAH-thee), is a Jotun who married into the family of the Aesir gods, and she is associated with winter. Skadi Skadi is known for loving the high snowy mountains, and she is most often…

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Sigyn the Venom Catcher

Click here for audio version Did you know that Loki has a wife? If not, don’t feel bad. Loki’s wife, the goddess Sigyn (SIG-in), is only mentioned at any length in one story, the Lokasenna, and even then, it is more about Loki than her. For the most part, she’s either called Loki’s wife or Loki is called Sigyn’s husband. …

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Wednesday is Woden’s Day

Click here for audio version Odin's Sacrifice No pain, no gain. You can’t get something for nothing. Everything has its price. We’ve all heard these sayings, some of us, perhaps, even live by them. To attain what we want, whether it be a minor goal to get in better shape, or a huge dream like making it to the Olympics,…

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Tuesday is Tyr’s Day

Click here for audio version Tyr's Bravery You know what you have to do right now is the right thing to do. You know it, but it is hard or scary or dangerous. You do it anyway, because you have a sense of justice. Or maybe you have to do it for the greater good.  Would you put your hand…

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